Ever News
barcelona, on the 28th of september 2008, sunday.
today I’ve bought the newspaper. I keep it.
I will read it on the 28th of september 2009.
it will be monday.
today I’ve bought the newspaper. I keep it.
I will read it on the 28th of september 2009.
it will be monday.
barcelona, on the 28th of september 2009, monday.
today I’ve read the newspaper from one year ago.
and I’ve bought another newspaper. I keep it.
I will read it on the 28th of september 2011.
it will be wednesday.
barcelona, on the 28th of september 2011, wednesday.
I lied. in 2009 I did not read the newspaper.
I just bought a new one that day.
today I’ve bought another one. I keep it.
I will not say that I will read it on the 28th of september 2015.
I don’t know what I will do. but it will be monday.
barcelona, on the 28th of september 2015, monday.
I’ve bought the newspaper. I keep it.
in the sale place the others are. unread maybe.
I will buy the newspaper on the 28th of september 2023,
if they still exist. but it will be thursday.
barcelona, on the 28th of september 2023, thursday.
today I’ve bought the newspaper. I keep it.
I don’t remember where the others are. but I will find them.
I have until the 28th of september 2039,
the day I’ll buy another newspaper.
it will be wednesday.
Ever News es un proyecto en proceso iniciado en el 2008. El domingo 28 de septiembre de 2008 compré un periódico en Barcelona, con la intención de que en el mismo día del siguiente año comprase otro, y así sucesivamente ampliando los años entre cada compra en progresión geométrica. Asociado a cada compra hay un pequeño texto que acompaña la acción realizada.
Sobre cada periódico se coloca una superficie de metacrilato negro, con algunos recortes que dejan entrever y leer cierto contenido de la portada del mismo. Los contenidos que se pueden leer de cada periódico son detalles, frases, imágenes relacionados con el tiempo. Son informaciones que descontextualizan y restan importancia a las noticias del periódico de aquél día, en su momento consideradas importantes, para dejar paso a una información siempre actual, la del tiempo.